December 9, 2011

Evansville Loses More Jobs!

          United Components Inc. world Head Quarters employees are packing as I write this. The are
 The Chamber of Commerce of Commerce has proved useless in bringing new jobs!
moving to "Illnoise". That evil bastion of Liberalism where most all the politicians eventually go to Federal jail. May I remind you it's the land of Hussein the so called President. UCI took a lot of tax payer money to come here and when the time was up they left. Their getting a lot of money to go there, they'll probably leave there when the money runs out and their time is up. I wish I could tell them to to get out and don't come back, but I just feel depressed about it. More lost jobs. The Evansville Chamber of Commerce had no response, they don't seem to have a presence around here at all.

          On another front, Obama was seen campaigning today. Wonder why? He must think he can hurt us more.

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