December 7, 2011

The Right to Work Discussion!

When we get these union thugs who
are out to destroy business in Indiana,
 in our sites,  lets take'm out!
          Finally got to watch the right to work discussion on the Evansville channel tonight. I guess the union thugs were forced by their crappy union to attend, as the audience was clearly skewed to thuggery. There was a couple of old union drunkards who kept hollering stupid remarks and trying to upset the meeting. Anyone who has been around union trash knows the drunken, abusive, violence these unions promote. These people as a whole are poor, uneducated, and violent alcoholics. They do not know the issue and just yell for their side and boo the other side. Kinda like that stupid person at a football game that everyone wishes would just shut the hell up.
They are shills for an organization that uses them as the host to steal money from companies. They are Socialist and against America, and our way of life. They are allowed to be lazy and incompetent as long as they support the union. Thats the reason most of them support the union, they know there will have to actually work like regular people, and they are afraid they are not up to the task. I don't blame them for being scared, they should be. They are the losers in life as evidenced by their behavior at the meeting. They were loud, obnoxious jerks! They are the losers as evidenced by the protection they seek in hiding from jobs in which they are held accountable and must be responsible. They cannot stop "Right to Work" because it is the way to get companies to come here and put our citizens to work. Everyone knows this. It will pass, and Gail - you can straight go to hell! You are obviously against the people of Evansville. If you are for the evil union, then you are against America.

Unions are Horrible!

1 comment:

  1. The Unions have been priveledged long enough, they should compete with small business. Unions have been cheating the public for a long time. Public unions such as teachers are totally useless.


Speak your mind, but lets keep it clean folks!