November 19, 2011

Discussing Evansville

          The Election is over and the new Mayor, Winnecke is getting organized. My congrats to him.
Mayor Loyd Winnecke
          The 29 Million dollar bond has been floated to fix various sewers around the city, which will raise all of our bills $2.44 a month for this year (2011) and then another $3.28 in 2012 on top of that. All in midst of a Depression brought on by excessive Socialist spending. Good grief, I hope it stops the STINK!!! But with all the profits they have been making the last 100 years or so I can't seem to believe the have to raise rates. Wasn't stuff like this what we sold our souls to have gambling to pay for.  We'll be paying for this for a long time.

          This still doesn't alleviate the poor citizens living outside the city limits from paying 35% higher rates. Boy are they being held hostage. What a ripoff by the city.
          Can we blame the unions you betcha. I absolutely abhor the premise that we as human beings, have to have a lower standard of living because we have to pay more to a Communist union. Ask any citizen if they want to pay a union more for work than a small business company, to do exactly the same work, at exactly the same standards. You can believe the good citizens of Evansville do not want to pay more and be cheated. We want legitimate businesses here that serve the community, not horrible, evil unions who are nothing more than leaches that bleed companies dry.
          The number one reason for loss of jobs to Mexico, that old Bill (Cigar) Clinton promoted, is because of his baby - NAFTA. The number 1 reason for loss of jobs to China is UNIONS. Folks the Liberal Democrats are killing us. Lets continue this fight we had when we elected this Mayor. Vote for jobs, vote against evil, lying, cheating, thieving - unions.

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