December 6, 2011

Fat People in Evansville!

          Back in the month of May, the local paper had an article about the recent Gallup poll naming
An Unhealthy Lunch!
Evansville, Indiana as the MOST OBESE metro area in the United States.
          In this same newspaper yesterday I read the school lunch menu.
As follows:
                      Monday's Menu:
                      Elementary,                     Chicken patty Sandwich or
                      Middle, & Junior High   Oven Fries
                                                              Mixed Vegetables
                                                              Juice Bar
                      Tuesday's menu:
                      Elementary,                     Pancakes with Sausage
                      Middle, & Junior High    or School choice ( what the hell does that mean?)
                                                              Tater Tots
                                                              Orange Juice and apple sauce.

Extremely poor meals. Designed to make a person fat. Very little nutrition.

          Is Dale Naylor still the head of coordinated school health. Then he should be fired.
          Supposedly the result of the assessment of all of this was to create a website called "Healthier Evansville". I went to the website - it had some poor recipes most of them pure junk. The most important item on the page was "Upcoming Events" under which was listed - NONE! I guess to our useless city employees that is doing something. City employees are for the most part lazy, disgusting, life long desk jockeys. They get papers in one side of their desks and push them out the other side, accomplishing very little until the can draw their retirement. They did not take charge of this problem.
          I tried to call the Vanderburgh Health department so they could comment but I couldn't get thru their maze of answering machine messages and gave up. Which is the object of their answering machine messages. I tried to call the Vanderburgh County School system so I could get the salaries of the other top administrators including the school supt.. So I could distinguish between the students meals and the wealthy Union Liberals at the top. I talked to 2 people and left messages for their supervisors and left 3 other messages on answering machines. As of the time I print no one has called me back. Wonder why? We the citizens of Evansville pay so much and get so little. We should be firing city and county employees by the dozen. They are useless. Lets cut the fat! Pay them like our kids eat! Oh and what for god sake are we doing about the fat people? I guess the city council is too busy promoting the Gay Child molester lifestyle to actually do anything that counts.

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