We already pay the highest utility bills in the state of Indiana because the cowardly union shill
This means greed! |
politicians do not stand up for us against the evil union oppressive monster. Today in the mail I received an ad for insuring my water line for $8.95 per month. The water line from my house to the street. Just how often does that need replacement. I guess if you live a 1/4 mile from the street, have 100 year old house with the old clay piping, where a root may grow through it, then this is the policy for you. Problem is, it's an insurance policy, so it's written all to their advantage. Know what I mean. You pay a lot and get very little.
I get a paranoid migraine headache every time I see the word Vectren. It's kinda like walking thru the ghetto, you need to be packing to protect the Ten dollar bill left in your wallet after paying your ridiculous electric bill. The problem is, Vectren robs you with it's slick advertising, hired propagandists, and donations to political campaigns. Why can't they just serve us utilities at a reasonable price? Is this more union gouging of the public? You decide but I ain't insuring my water line from the house to the street. Go Fish for another sucker Vectren.
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