Stupid Wacko Liberals otherwise known as Peta!
Peta the wacko animal rights group wants that bastard of liberalism, Illinoise, to install highway signs in the memory of some dead cows that were killed in a traffic accident out on the interstate. I have to honest and state I didn't know about the cows. But I would have been pissed if I lived close and didn't get some of the meat. My favorite cut is the Rib eye, but I don't ever turn down any steak, or hamburger, or any kind of meat for that matter.
Once there was a refrigerated truck carrying chickens that had flipped over on the highway and my buddy who ran a tow truck called me up and said get over here with all the coolers you got. Needless to say everybody in my neighborhood was invited to a barbecued chicken cookout. We all had a great time and the meat was delicious.
December 30, 2011
December 28, 2011
Another violent act by Black gangs!
...and now we see another violent act by black gangs. According to police, in the mall fight at the
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What stupid is! |
For you white folks, think of Brooks and Dunn arriving at the mall. White guys throwing chairs, fighting, screaming and cursing in front of good, decent people who are at the mall with their children. Nawwww, that's a bad comparison, because white people don't act like that.
December 16, 2011
Bike Riding in the Ghetto!
Out enjoying a bike ride the day before yesterday, I rode through the section of Evansville between W. Riverside Dr. and the Downtown area, around the Culver school area. You can always tell when you are in the ghetto, because the men aren't at work. Men fully grown, the prime age to be working and supporting their families are hanging in the hood. This may be due to several reasons, could be the economy, they may already make a good living selling drugs, maybe their just lazy, perhaps they are already life time members of the welfare system, provided by the working people of America of course.
It was amazing the comments I heard, "What you doing in my neighborhood white boy", "Nice chassis, bring that G. D. bicycle over here boy", "What's a Billy (meaning hillbilly or white person) doing in this neighborhood"? "You better get the F*&^ outta here, White Bread". I ride an expensive bike, and I wasn't packing a weapon, so I didn't respond to any of the racist comments, and I surely didn't stop to become the victim of a gang beating, or a mugging and robbery. You'd think the recipients of the majority of my tax dollars would be more welcoming. Don't they know, we are now paying for their Health Care even.
I didn't see any patrol cars while I was there, I was only riding around there for about 20 minutes or so, before I decided I should leave before I become a crime statistic. The police were probably somewhere writing tickets, to them people going 65 in a 55 you know they are the real danger to society. Evansville is a scary place these days, and Black racism and Black on white violence is a real threat as we see nightly on the news. Hopefully the new police chief will have a heavy hand in this neighborhood, and make it safe for actual tax payers to ride their bikes through without the racist threats and racist violence perpetrated against white people.
Perhaps we can target the codes dept on this neighborhood and get a lot of these houses torn down. Something certainly needs to be done.
It was amazing the comments I heard, "What you doing in my neighborhood white boy", "Nice chassis, bring that G. D. bicycle over here boy", "What's a Billy (meaning hillbilly or white person) doing in this neighborhood"? "You better get the F*&^ outta here, White Bread". I ride an expensive bike, and I wasn't packing a weapon, so I didn't respond to any of the racist comments, and I surely didn't stop to become the victim of a gang beating, or a mugging and robbery. You'd think the recipients of the majority of my tax dollars would be more welcoming. Don't they know, we are now paying for their Health Care even.
I didn't see any patrol cars while I was there, I was only riding around there for about 20 minutes or so, before I decided I should leave before I become a crime statistic. The police were probably somewhere writing tickets, to them people going 65 in a 55 you know they are the real danger to society. Evansville is a scary place these days, and Black racism and Black on white violence is a real threat as we see nightly on the news. Hopefully the new police chief will have a heavy hand in this neighborhood, and make it safe for actual tax payers to ride their bikes through without the racist threats and racist violence perpetrated against white people.
Perhaps we can target the codes dept on this neighborhood and get a lot of these houses torn down. Something certainly needs to be done.
December 14, 2011
Vote for Change!
Join me in voting for change!
I guess this slogan no longer works for the Obama campaign. but it damn sure works for the rest
of us. I cannot think of one reason to re- elect this fumbling bumbler.
Lets review a few of the community organizer's campaign promises:
During the campaign Obama stated the fact that China was abusing its power in the manipulation of it's currency. A practice that contributes to the overwhelming trade imbalance, and give China's companies an unfair advantage. He pledged to help U. S. exporters by using Diplomacy to end the practice. While China's currency has appreciated 4.3 percent, it is a drop in the bucket of what is needed. His China policy economic policy is a total disaster for America.
Now lets discuss the Patriot act. Despite his campaign promises he has never tried to repeal the Patriot act. In fact he has pushed to extend them without any reforms at all. The last time the issue came up Obama sought an extension that was longer than what the Republicans wanted. We're still strip searching Grandmothers and this is what Obama wants, go figure.
Then there was this. Allow penalty free withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 dollars, from retirement accounts. Think how that would have helped some people out. But noooooo.
How about a 25% renewable energy policy by 2025? That one, this is according to the Dear Leader himself, was supposed to create "hundreds of thousands of jobs" by itself. Are you laughing yet?
Have you seen any of "Wind fall Profits Tax on the oil companies? To quote Barrack "This will require oil companies to take a share of their record windfall profits and use it to provide direct relief worth $500 dollars for an individual and a $1,000 dollars for a married couple. This is to help families cope with the rising cost of gas, food, and other necessities. Ha, ha. Well, wheres it at Obummer?
...and when's he gonna restrict former lobbyists from serving in his administration
...and whens he gonna close Gitmo? Huh. huh. I can't hear you democrats...
...and what about "Reform government spending by slashing earmarks" and conducting a line by line review of the federal budget. Yea - right.
I didn't vote for change the last election, but I damn sure am this one. I voting all right , and I'm going to
"Vote For Change".
I guess this slogan no longer works for the Obama campaign. but it damn sure works for the rest
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Obama is an Utter Failure as President! |
Lets review a few of the community organizer's campaign promises:
During the campaign Obama stated the fact that China was abusing its power in the manipulation of it's currency. A practice that contributes to the overwhelming trade imbalance, and give China's companies an unfair advantage. He pledged to help U. S. exporters by using Diplomacy to end the practice. While China's currency has appreciated 4.3 percent, it is a drop in the bucket of what is needed. His China policy economic policy is a total disaster for America.
Now lets discuss the Patriot act. Despite his campaign promises he has never tried to repeal the Patriot act. In fact he has pushed to extend them without any reforms at all. The last time the issue came up Obama sought an extension that was longer than what the Republicans wanted. We're still strip searching Grandmothers and this is what Obama wants, go figure.
Then there was this. Allow penalty free withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 dollars, from retirement accounts. Think how that would have helped some people out. But noooooo.
How about a 25% renewable energy policy by 2025? That one, this is according to the Dear Leader himself, was supposed to create "hundreds of thousands of jobs" by itself. Are you laughing yet?
Have you seen any of "Wind fall Profits Tax on the oil companies? To quote Barrack "This will require oil companies to take a share of their record windfall profits and use it to provide direct relief worth $500 dollars for an individual and a $1,000 dollars for a married couple. This is to help families cope with the rising cost of gas, food, and other necessities. Ha, ha. Well, wheres it at Obummer?
...and when's he gonna restrict former lobbyists from serving in his administration
...and whens he gonna close Gitmo? Huh. huh. I can't hear you democrats...
...and what about "Reform government spending by slashing earmarks" and conducting a line by line review of the federal budget. Yea - right.
I didn't vote for change the last election, but I damn sure am this one. I voting all right , and I'm going to
"Vote For Change".
December 13, 2011
What I want for Christmas!
1. Get The Unions out of Evansville. They do nothing but rape the public trusts. Businesses will come once
we rid ourselves of this blight.
2. Upgrade the internet!
3. Cheaper Energy - Vectren is not acceptable any longer. They have cheated, and cheated, and cheated
us. Nuclear power is the best, cheapest, cleanest energy available.
4. Stop funding abortion with my money! I am against murdering innocent babies.
5. Every illegal gone from America! Pay a bounty to hunt the last ones down.
6. An energy policy - Obama where are you? Do something besides talk.
7. A budget for the United States - Obama where are you again? Do something, you're supposed to be the
President. God, I can't wait to get rid of this idiot!
8. Cut Government spending by 25% across the board. This should be just the beginning. Yes, people will
suffer, that's the result you get, when you have excessive Liberal spending. Lesson you should be
learning while suffering, stop spending on useless Socialist programs.
9. Cut college education loan programs, until colleges stop promoting anti American Liberalism. Stop
enriching these wacko liberal college professors who hate America.
10. Stop the EPA!
11. Pass a law forbidding unions in Government - Period. Unions are the enemy to America.
12. Re-institute America's space program.
13. Pay down the National Debt! Are you listening Obama. Needless to say this goes with Stop Spending.
14. Prosecute Eric Holder and send him to prison, for crimes against the American people..
15. Fire the Tax evader - Timothy Geitner! Geitner - Obama - Holder - crooked to the core.
16. Repeal the abortion law, stop Liberal skanks from murdering innocent babies.
17. Stop Socialism in America. It has destroyed every country it has taken ahold of.
18. Get Alec Baldwin off of TV he is a total jerk and a horrible parent!
19. Stop Obama's class warfare!
20. Institute racial profiling. It's the best way to get the Muslim terrorists!
21. Promote gun ownership! I wanna to see everyone at the Zoo packing a gun. This will be a good thing.
22. Outlaw all affirmative action laws and policies in America as they are racist against straight,
white people. This has been going on far too long.
23. Fast track Justice. The death penalty should take no longer than 30 days from sentence to be reviewed
by the supreme court, and the switch flipped.
24. Give every citizen school vouchers for their children. Public school is too costly and has failed. Embrace
it and lets move the country forward.
25. Voter ID - you mean, we're not doing this already! Stupid, pass this at the federal level already.
26. Drill, baby Drill. The Alaska beauty is right on the money! America loves Sarah!
27. Repeal Obama Care! Just what we needed, another useless social program we can't pay for for. So
who's gonna pay for you Democrat - who - who, my advice to you is get off your lazy, useless ass and
accomplish something. You are responsible for you - I am not responsible for you. If you want health
care, You Pay For It, not me!
28. Ban the ACLU! They are the enemy of the American people.
29. Marriage is between a man and a women - period. Everything else is just deviant sexual behavior,
done by morally corrupted people.
30. Stop welfare, it just makes people dependant on the system and ruins their lives and eats up the
working classes money. People too lazy to work, need to suffer their own consequences.
31. Stop anchor babies.
32. Drill large holes on the California border. Stick in lots of Dynamite, light it and blow California out of the United States. LOL!
This is just a start obviously, but I'll take it!
we rid ourselves of this blight.
2. Upgrade the internet!
3. Cheaper Energy - Vectren is not acceptable any longer. They have cheated, and cheated, and cheated
us. Nuclear power is the best, cheapest, cleanest energy available.
4. Stop funding abortion with my money! I am against murdering innocent babies.
5. Every illegal gone from America! Pay a bounty to hunt the last ones down.
6. An energy policy - Obama where are you? Do something besides talk.
7. A budget for the United States - Obama where are you again? Do something, you're supposed to be the
President. God, I can't wait to get rid of this idiot!
8. Cut Government spending by 25% across the board. This should be just the beginning. Yes, people will
suffer, that's the result you get, when you have excessive Liberal spending. Lesson you should be
learning while suffering, stop spending on useless Socialist programs.
9. Cut college education loan programs, until colleges stop promoting anti American Liberalism. Stop
enriching these wacko liberal college professors who hate America.
10. Stop the EPA!
11. Pass a law forbidding unions in Government - Period. Unions are the enemy to America.
12. Re-institute America's space program.
13. Pay down the National Debt! Are you listening Obama. Needless to say this goes with Stop Spending.
14. Prosecute Eric Holder and send him to prison, for crimes against the American people..
15. Fire the Tax evader - Timothy Geitner! Geitner - Obama - Holder - crooked to the core.
16. Repeal the abortion law, stop Liberal skanks from murdering innocent babies.
17. Stop Socialism in America. It has destroyed every country it has taken ahold of.
18. Get Alec Baldwin off of TV he is a total jerk and a horrible parent!
19. Stop Obama's class warfare!
20. Institute racial profiling. It's the best way to get the Muslim terrorists!
21. Promote gun ownership! I wanna to see everyone at the Zoo packing a gun. This will be a good thing.
22. Outlaw all affirmative action laws and policies in America as they are racist against straight,
white people. This has been going on far too long.
23. Fast track Justice. The death penalty should take no longer than 30 days from sentence to be reviewed
by the supreme court, and the switch flipped.
24. Give every citizen school vouchers for their children. Public school is too costly and has failed. Embrace
it and lets move the country forward.
25. Voter ID - you mean, we're not doing this already! Stupid, pass this at the federal level already.
26. Drill, baby Drill. The Alaska beauty is right on the money! America loves Sarah!
27. Repeal Obama Care! Just what we needed, another useless social program we can't pay for for. So
who's gonna pay for you Democrat - who - who, my advice to you is get off your lazy, useless ass and
accomplish something. You are responsible for you - I am not responsible for you. If you want health
care, You Pay For It, not me!
28. Ban the ACLU! They are the enemy of the American people.
29. Marriage is between a man and a women - period. Everything else is just deviant sexual behavior,
done by morally corrupted people.
30. Stop welfare, it just makes people dependant on the system and ruins their lives and eats up the
working classes money. People too lazy to work, need to suffer their own consequences.
31. Stop anchor babies.
32. Drill large holes on the California border. Stick in lots of Dynamite, light it and blow California out of the United States. LOL!
This is just a start obviously, but I'll take it!
December 9, 2011
Evansville Loses More Jobs!
United Components Inc. world Head Quarters employees are packing as I write this. The are
moving to "Illnoise". That evil bastion of Liberalism where most all the politicians eventually go to Federal jail. May I remind you it's the land of Hussein the so called President. UCI took a lot of tax payer money to come here and when the time was up they left. Their getting a lot of money to go there, they'll probably leave there when the money runs out and their time is up. I wish I could tell them to to get out and don't come back, but I just feel depressed about it. More lost jobs. The Evansville Chamber of Commerce had no response, they don't seem to have a presence around here at all.
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The Chamber of Commerce of Commerce has proved useless in bringing new jobs! |
December 7, 2011
The Right to Work Discussion!
Finally got to watch the right to work discussion on the Evansville channel tonight. I guess the union thugs were forced by their crappy union to attend, as the audience was clearly skewed to thuggery. There was a couple of old union drunkards who kept hollering stupid remarks and trying to upset the meeting. Anyone who has been around union trash knows the drunken, abusive, violence these unions promote. These people as a whole are poor, uneducated, and violent alcoholics. They do not know the issue and just yell for their side and boo the other side. Kinda like that stupid person at a football game that everyone wishes would just shut the hell up.
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When we get these union thugs who are out to destroy business in Indiana, in our sites, lets take'm out! |
Don't cha just hate Vectren!
We already pay the highest utility bills in the state of Indiana because the cowardly union shill
politicians do not stand up for us against the evil union oppressive monster. Today in the mail I received an ad for insuring my water line for $8.95 per month. The water line from my house to the street. Just how often does that need replacement. I guess if you live a 1/4 mile from the street, have 100 year old house with the old clay piping, where a root may grow through it, then this is the policy for you. Problem is, it's an insurance policy, so it's written all to their advantage. Know what I mean. You pay a lot and get very little.
I get a paranoid migraine headache every time I see the word Vectren. It's kinda like walking thru the ghetto, you need to be packing to protect the Ten dollar bill left in your wallet after paying your ridiculous electric bill. The problem is, Vectren robs you with it's slick advertising, hired propagandists, and donations to political campaigns. Why can't they just serve us utilities at a reasonable price? Is this more union gouging of the public? You decide but I ain't insuring my water line from the house to the street. Go Fish for another sucker Vectren.
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This means greed! |
I get a paranoid migraine headache every time I see the word Vectren. It's kinda like walking thru the ghetto, you need to be packing to protect the Ten dollar bill left in your wallet after paying your ridiculous electric bill. The problem is, Vectren robs you with it's slick advertising, hired propagandists, and donations to political campaigns. Why can't they just serve us utilities at a reasonable price? Is this more union gouging of the public? You decide but I ain't insuring my water line from the house to the street. Go Fish for another sucker Vectren.
December 6, 2011
Brian Bosma is on the citizens side.
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Brian Bosma! |

In the fight for worker independance from the unions, House Representive Brian Bosma is leading the way. I should say the Speaker of the House. Finally, instead of the typical union cronies in our state house government, we have some one fighting for jobs in Indiana. Hip, Hip , Hooray! Here is his site: Brian Bosma!
Fat People in Evansville!
Back in the month of May, the local paper had an article about the recent Gallup poll naming
Evansville, Indiana as the MOST OBESE metro area in the United States.
In this same newspaper yesterday I read the school lunch menu.
As follows:
Monday's Menu:
Elementary, Chicken patty Sandwich or
Middle, & Junior High Oven Fries
Mixed Vegetables
Juice Bar
Tuesday's menu:
Elementary, Pancakes with Sausage
Middle, & Junior High or School choice ( what the hell does that mean?)
Tater Tots
Orange Juice and apple sauce.
Extremely poor meals. Designed to make a person fat. Very little nutrition.
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An Unhealthy Lunch! |
In this same newspaper yesterday I read the school lunch menu.
As follows:
Monday's Menu:
Elementary, Chicken patty Sandwich or
Middle, & Junior High Oven Fries
Mixed Vegetables
Juice Bar
Tuesday's menu:
Elementary, Pancakes with Sausage
Middle, & Junior High or School choice ( what the hell does that mean?)
Tater Tots
Orange Juice and apple sauce.
Extremely poor meals. Designed to make a person fat. Very little nutrition.
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