January 19, 2012

If you want your children to be gay:

Now the State Government is promoting gays???
  Then The Indiana BMV supports you. They want your children to be gay too, and bull dyke, and transgendered. On December the 28th the Chicken Hawks at the BMV, made the plate available. They planned this so as to catch the public off guard during the holidays. Yes the BMV is the peoples enemy, if you are a morally decent person then they are trying to force morally decadent sexual deviant behavior on your child. They did it this way to circumvent the peoples wishes  and to promote a deviant behavior choice.

January 13, 2012

"Right to Work" is a Basic Right!

Pat Bauer is so fat! A liberal union Fat Cat!
          It's a fore gone conclusion - it will pass no matter how much money of the workers,  the unions will throw at it. When I watch these commercials that these greedy, business killing unions spend enormous sums of their workers money on, it justifies what we must do to get rid of these evil monsters. House Democrats know they are done also. They just want one more gasp to show their constituents they fought to the end. They know it is futile.They sided with the big money unions, against the people of Indiana and have now lost. We should show them the same mercy that Vlad the Impaler showed  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_tepes#Alleged_atrocities to his enemies. The unions have lied, cheated and stole from American companies and therefore the public trust for a long time. I think of how evil unions are, everytime I open my Vectren bill. As we pay the highest rates in Indiana this is the perfect example of what is wrong with every union - everywhere. Think of the post office how they raped us there.

January 8, 2012

Indiana Right To Work! Lets Pass It Now!

The Republicans are for jobs for everyone in Indiana! The Democrats are only for the unions to have jobs. They want a monopoly for the unions and to shut small business out of any work. The Republicans are for all people to work. The way most all of us think it should be!
Unions breeding with the Democrats!
          The cowardly Democrats have interrupted the peoples work again by not coming to the House floor and doing their jobs. (More evidence of fat, lazy, incompetent union workers) As of Friday the Democrats shall be fined $1000.00 for laying out of work and not doing the job the people voted them in to do. Just like a union isn't it? The problem with the fines is that unions are filthy stinking rich from stealing from their workers and the host companies they leach onto like a tick on a dog's back and suck the life blood out of.

January 5, 2012

The Pistol Packing Mama!

Winchester Model 1300, 12g shotgun!
          This young lady from Oklahoma, Sarah Dawn McKinley of Blanchard,  has set a great example for the law abiding citizens of America. She shot an intruder, just exactly like she should have. She had guns, as every law abiding American should, and she used them properly. One shot with a shot gun, a great home defense weapon I might add, and we have one dead intruder. I am sooo proud of her for exercising her God given "RIGHT" to defend her home, her property, and her family, against these evil criminals who sought to do her harm. This scenario took place late on the evening of New Years Eve. Outstanding that she had guns in the home, and she got great advice from the 911 operator.

January 4, 2012

Bachman Pulls The Plug!

          I like Michelle Bachmann, she is a class act. No doubt she would have made a better president than Obama. She believes in America, and she was born here. She did not announce who she will be supporting in the future. That will come later. She is one of America's greatest Conservatives. She will continue the fight against evil Socialism and against Obama. She will be a moving force to rid us of the horrible Obama care, and the Horrible Dodd Frank bill. Keep up the good work Michelle. We'll miss you on the campaign trail. Good Luck In Your Future!    
                                                       The people Of Evansville, Indiana

January 3, 2012

Winnecki Takes A Mouse Step.

Much Ado About Nothing.       

        Newly sworn in Mayor Winnecki proposed a couple of very small changes in how contractors
Mayor Winnecki
do business with the city. He proposed a website that will allow contractors to submit permits on line (got news for ya Winnecki most every body already has this), the second is to eliminate some minor fees after the building is completed. The third is to issue a certificate of occupancy automatically after a buildings final inspection, and the forth is to combine the building and demolition licenses into one license. That's it? That's the fricking sweeping changes I voted you in for? These are pretty small changes. Obviously he has no idea how hard it is and expensive to run a business in Evansville. If this is what he's got, then he's way out of touch.

January 1, 2012

New Policy annoys Democrats!

Thats a good thing!

Pat Bauer sure is fat, just like a Lazy, Useless Union Worker.
The new Bill and how it's annoying the Democrats, I mean. The uproar is about a policy instituted by the combined departments of the Indiana State Police, our State Homeland Security Dept, and the State Fire Marshall. The new policy, limits the number of people that can be inside the statehouse building at any given time. An analysis was made of the building, and taking into account the building's employees and the public's safety, emergency exits, and so forth, it was determined that no more than 3,000 people can be inside the building at any one time. This effectively cuts down the number of people that can interrupt the legislative session.  And therein lies the annoyance part.
           Liberal, Pro Abortion, and Union mouthpiece, House Minority Leader, Pat Bauer stated that he believes this policy was construed in part to restrict access to the statehouse in order to prevent the peoples right to protest in the upcoming fight over the State Right To Work Bill,