January 13, 2012

"Right to Work" is a Basic Right!

Pat Bauer is so fat! A liberal union Fat Cat!
          It's a fore gone conclusion - it will pass no matter how much money of the workers,  the unions will throw at it. When I watch these commercials that these greedy, business killing unions spend enormous sums of their workers money on, it justifies what we must do to get rid of these evil monsters. House Democrats know they are done also. They just want one more gasp to show their constituents they fought to the end. They know it is futile.They sided with the big money unions, against the people of Indiana and have now lost. We should show them the same mercy that Vlad the Impaler showed  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_tepes#Alleged_atrocities to his enemies. The unions have lied, cheated and stole from American companies and therefore the public trust for a long time. I think of how evil unions are, everytime I open my Vectren bill. As we pay the highest rates in Indiana this is the perfect example of what is wrong with every union - everywhere. Think of the post office how they raped us there.
GM - Obama give it to the damn unions, after they destroyed it. All those American Companies now overseas because the unions drove them out of America with their demands. The people now own both houses in the State of Indiana, and we will promote jobs for all the people, not just for the people who support evil, murderous Abortion and Socialism.
          Next week the Democrats last gasp comes in the form of an amendment that would let voters, instead of their elected representatives in government decide whether Indiana would become a "Right To Work" state or not. This is ridiculous as the voters elected the Republicans in the first place. The state of Indiana is Red through and through. And Evansville is at long last seeing the light. The measure will of course fail. This what Fat Patrick Bauer wants and it's what Fat Patrick Bauer will get - a public humiliation.
          Will the cowardly Democrats run and hide under the bed again. That remains to be seen at this point but are they cowards, of course they are. And the unions still have them in their pockets. But the workers of Indiana are about to be set free. Free from having to support abortion and Socialism, free from giving money to unions against their will, free from having to associate with unions who hate America and our way of life.

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