January 8, 2012

Indiana Right To Work! Lets Pass It Now!

The Republicans are for jobs for everyone in Indiana! The Democrats are only for the unions to have jobs. They want a monopoly for the unions and to shut small business out of any work. The Republicans are for all people to work. The way most all of us think it should be!
Unions breeding with the Democrats!
          The cowardly Democrats have interrupted the peoples work again by not coming to the House floor and doing their jobs. (More evidence of fat, lazy, incompetent union workers) As of Friday the Democrats shall be fined $1000.00 for laying out of work and not doing the job the people voted them in to do. Just like a union isn't it? The problem with the fines is that unions are filthy stinking rich from stealing from their workers and the host companies they leach onto like a tick on a dog's back and suck the life blood out of.
I'm sure it's illegal for the union to pay the fines, but how will we trace the money. I hope the governor has set aside money to pay for the investigations that surely must take place against these America hating unions and there puppets the Democratic party.
          It doesn't matter how long the Democrats hold out. The hold out is futile the Republicans are dead set on helping the people of Indiana. There's nothing they can do short of blowing out their brains on TV. This issue is barely getting any attention, as the majority are for it. The people have voted a Republican majority into both houses. The people have spoken. They want to go to work.
          The Socialist's Unions correctly see this as a threat. Anyone who is not union is free to be a productive hard worker. Small businesses who can do the work better, cheaper, and faster will be awarded the contracts. Fat, Lazy, Incompetent unions will become as extinct as the dinosaurs. They will become extinct because they refuse to be competitive. They expect everything to be handed to them. Expect the Democrats in the Indiana houses to put up a fight, because when the unions are gone so will the endless supply of money. And with that, the last light of the Democratic party will be turned out in Indiana. And "Good Riddance" to ya!

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